Having Trouble Finding Love and Meeting Your Soulmate? Try This!

I am a Psychic Intuitive Counselor, who helps people with their relationships, and sometimes, with their lack of one.  My clients often ask me, "Why can't I meet somebody?"  "When will I find my soulmate ?"  and,  "Am I destined to be alone?"  Many people are quite actively trying to bring in the love they are hoping for. Some use online dating sites while others say affirmations, read about manifesting, and optimistically create visions boards. There are those who pray to God, or to their Angels and Guides, or perhaps to their Mom or Dad in spirit. They ask them to help them to meet their soul mate or even to just find a good solid partner.

Still,  they cant seem to find love. And they come to me asking why? When? And will they ever find love?  Sometimes, I say, "Yes! I feel he or she is very close to you...very close ! " --  But there is a big obstacle these days when it comes to people connecting with one another.

Here's what's happening..The Universe hears them. Their guides and angels, and loved ones in spirit heard their prayers to help them find love. And they conspired, and planned and plotted to get them together with a wonderful partner. And finally, they're able to make it all happen. Divine forces helped to get these two souls together at last. They may be sitting next to each on a plane. Or perhaps they're both at the same coffee shop at the same time everyday. Or they both wait at the bus stop each morning on their commute to work. And there they are..side by side. So close to connecting.. But neither one of them looks up from their phone! They are both so busy reading emails or checking Social Media that they miss their opportunity for a real life interaction and the opportunity to discover a new love that is literally right in front of them!

Sometimes I see issues from a client's past that blocks their ability to be in a healthy relationship. And when I do,  we work through this during their session. But other times the guidance I receive for them is very simple...Look up from your phone! Make eye contact, smile or say hello to someone who looks nice and you who are attracted to. Be present and pay attention to who is around you. The opportunity for love is often right there in front of you, just waiting to be discovered. If you're having challenges in your relationship or having trouble finding one - Let's talk - a session with me can set you on the path to finding the love you want and deserve.